Thursday, September 01, 2005

...I need light gauge if I'm gonna thrash!

Just a quick update – we've been in the studio for the past couple weeks tracking the new disc. There will be ten songs, five or six of which you may have heard already at shows. There is no title or cover art for the album as of yet, but I've been toying with the idea of superimposing a picture of your mom on all my boxer drawers and wrapping each CD individually in them. Very postmodern. Let me know what you think. Here's hoping the CD comes out on laundry day (for your sake)!

P.S. – We're in the process of adding a disclaimer to the store, but in case anybody's wondering, orders may take up to three or four weeks to be delivered. We're not exactly Eddie Bauer...although his and hers monogrammed Candid bathmats don't sound half bad. Hmm...